No John you aren't, it's your government.
Like all political parties that have been in government for too long they look tired, stale and have long since run out of ideas. Last year John Howard looked invincible but if the Liberal party gets desperate about it's prospects for the next election John Howard will be stabbed in the back by his own party, just like Margaret Thatcher was (after a similar length of time as prime minister).
He's stayed on too long and will not go out on a high note (just about every politician that achieves high office makes this mistake). Perhaps John Howard should have done a Bob Carr or Steve Bracks (former premiers of New South Wales and Victoria respectively) and announce, out of the blue, that he's resigning and handover to Peter Costello (who seems to think he's entitled to the job.) But it's too late for that.
Enoch Powell warned "All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs." He was right.